Zeeland Boluses

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"There are they?" It is the standard question of my father during the jobs. Oh, what can he enjoy this snack. But did you know the Zeeuwse bolus of origin at all Zeeuws is?

A Jewish roll

The sweet bun is Jewish and also has a Yiddish name. The Yiddish word bolus is derived from the Spanish word bollo, bun '. And that's it, of course: a nice roll to snack.

Boluses in Zeeland

Probably for the first time in Zeeland bolus was baked in the first half of the seventeenth century. In this time there lived Sephardic bakers (Jewish bakers from Portugal) in Zeeland who introduced the bolus and today Zeeland bakers still base their secret recipes on that traditional Jewish art of bolus baking.

Boluses throughout the world

But the bolus was not only introduced in Zeeland. Also in Paris, Jerusalem, Moscow and even New York you can find boluses. The boluses in New York are as syrupy as the Zeeuwse bolus, but then even sweeter and twice as big! Also be sure to taste a good time.

Zeeland boluses traditional delicacy on a pink napkin

Zeeuwse bolus

The Zeeuwse bolus is known as viscous, sticky, sweet and delicious with coffee. There are various types of boluses in Zealand. Each bakery has a different recipe and the ingredients may vary. By default, boluses fried white bread dough that is rolled with soft brown sugar. But some bakers use a different example, cinnamon sugar mixture or add.

With butter?

Also the Zeeuwse bolus eaten in different ways. I'm told that the bottom oil with butter for example something typically Walchers is. And now I wonder:

How to eat you prefer your bolus?

PS. 28 may 2016 was, moreover, Bolusdag and I have a workshop of Zeeland bolus baking done. Feast! Watch the vlog!


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